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Approved Minutes 04/07/2011

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: John Moustakis, Vice-Chair, Randy Clarke, Mark George, Helen Sides, Nadine Hanscom, Christine Sullivan, Tim Ready.  Also present: Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, and Beth Gerard, Planning Board Recording Clerk. Absent: Chuck Puleo, Chair, and Tim Kavanaugh.

John Moustakis opened the meeting at 7:05 pm and stated that the meeting is being recorded.  

Approval of Minutes
2/17/11 & 3/3/11 Planning Board meeting minutes
2/17/11: No comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members. Helen Sides motioned to approve, seconded by Nadine Hanscom.  Randy Clarke abstained from voting as he was not present at the 2/17/11 meeting.  All approved 6-0.  

3/3/11: No comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members. Helen Sides motioned to approve, seconded by Mark George.  Tim Ready and Randy Clarke abstained as they were not present at the 3/3/11 meeting.  All approved 5-0.

Presentation: Salem Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Sam Cleaves, Senior Regional Planner, Metropolitan Area Planning Council.
Sam Cleaves, MAPC, stated that he is working with FEMA to revise the North Shore Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, as required by the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. They are looking at all natural hazards that are occurring within Salem, which is mostly related to flooding.  Mr. Cleaves shared examples of the 2005 Plan with the Board, again stating that this will be updated.  This is one of two public meetings that the government requires and the draft of the plan will be available online in the next few days and is open for public comment.  Randy Clarke asked when they will meet with Fire and DPW.  Mr. Cleaves stated that they will have a meeting with all members of Public Safety.  Mark George asked if Salem is part of FEMA’s flood zones revision.  Mr. Cleaves stated that the updates are a year overdue but revisions are supposed to be out the end of the summer.  Mr. George asked if there are changes to Salem’s map to which Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, said that they have heard from the State that they won’t be getting their updated maps until next year.  Mr. Cleaves continued his presentation, explaining how the plan was developed and who it was developed in conjunction with.  He stated that they review critical sites with the people in Public Safety, and there are 180 sites identified in Salem.  John Moustakis asked if they are referring to houses or neighborhoods when they describe sites.  Mr. Cleaves stated that they are not usually people’s homes, but public facilities.  Ms. Sullivan asked Mr. Cleaves to specify what the are facilities they are speaking of and Mr. Cleaves stated that it included sites requiring additional assistance, such as elderly housing, places of assembly, dams, communications facilities and sites that pose a risk, such as facilities with hazardous materials. Mr. Cleaves continued describing the locally identified areas of concern.  He stated that they are focused on aging structures and flooding and used the South River Basin as an example of a high priority.  He stated that they look at mitigation measures which include how wetlands are managed, as well as looking at wind-related measures in relation to trees.  Mr. George asked if Mr. Cleaves sees any mitigation for Rosie’s Pond.  Mr. Cleaves states that he believes that Dave Knowlton wants to use a grant to continue those repairs.  Mr. Moustakis asked why Forrester Street is included in the plans, and Mr. George responded that it floods regularly.  Mr. Moustakis noted that a role of the Planning Board is to correct problem areas that are part of a project.  Mr. Cleaves pointed out that the 2005 plan identified issues on Highland Avenue. Ms. Sullivan asked if this is all being done in the hopes of getting a grant.  Mr. Cleaves stated that these efforts are what makes them eligible for a grant that can help repair problem areas.  Mr. George asked if this would be part of a general stormwater fee.  Mr. Cleaves explained that for example, Gloucester charges stormwater fees in order to fix its infrastructure.  Mr. George asked if he is seeing patterns of charges like this across communities, and Mr. Cleaves said no.  He stated that every community is struggling with this and there is often resistance to additional charges.  Mr. Cleaves reiterated that the plan will be up on the DPW website in the next few days, which, after receiving comments from the public, will be sent to MEMA and onto FEMA.  Mr. Moustakis requested that the Board receive information about the specific sites because they may be part of one of the projects they are reviewing.  Mr. Clarke recommended that this be included in the packet that the Planning Board receives.  Mr. Cleaves concluded his presentation by stating that if the Board has any further questions, please send them to Danielle McKnight and she will get them to Mr. Cleaves.  

Request to Withdraw Without Prejudice: Continued Public Hearing - Request of SALEM LAFAYETTE LLC for Planned Unit Development Special Permit, Site Plan Review, and Drive-Through Facilities Special Permit for the property located at 135 LAFAYETTE STREET (Map 34, Lot 307), Salem, MA (proposed demolition of church and convent, renovation of school and rectory, and construction of a new mixed-use building with a pharmacy and drive-through facility).

Ms. McKnight read a letter submitted by Attorney Joseph Correnti requesting to withdraw the application without prejudice.

  • Letter from Salem Lafayette Development LLC, by its Attorney Joseph Correnti, dated March 10, 2011
Randy Clarke motioned to close the public hearing, Christine Sullivan seconded.  Nadine Hanscom abstained from voting, All approved 5-0.  

Christine Sullivan made a motion to accept the request to withdraw without prejudice and Randy Clarke seconded.  Nadine Hanscom abstained from voting. All approved 6-0.  

Old/New Business
Danielle McKnight stated that the Planning Department planned to pursue a traffic study for the North River Canal Corridor.  Related to this, they are anticipating a filing to redevelop Salem Oil and Grease.  Mr. Moustakis asked for an update on the project at 28 Goodhue Street and how this study will affect the project.  Ms. McKnight stated that she hasn’t heard any updates recently about 28 Goodhue.  Mr. Moustakis recommended looking at possibilities for Goodhue St. again, especially in light of this upcoming traffic study.  Mr. George asked if Salem Oil & Grease is a federal superfund site, to which Ms. McKnight stated that she didn’t know.  

Randy Clarke made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Nadine Hanscom.  All approved 6-0.  John Moustakis adjourned the meeting at 7:47 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Beth Gerard, Recording Clerk

Approved by the Planning Board 5/19/11